
Universal Changing Places

Universal Changing Places

Two of our favorite community partners have teamed up in the effort to increase access to Universal Changing Places across our great state of Texas. Changing SA is a grassroots community initiative working to raise awareness and increase access to appropriate changing tables for aging adults and those in the disability community. disABILITYsa is working to amplify this message and coordinate policy development both locally and statewide.

AccessAbility Fest 2019

AccessAbility Fest 2019

We are so excited to have participated in AccessAbility Fest 2019. AccessAbility Fest is a free resource fair for those with physical/developmental disabilities and mental health challenges in the San Antonio area. Adults, children, caregivers, and healthcare professionals are all welcome and encouraged to attend. The morning kicked off with the abilitySTRONG parade, then continued with live music and a great variety of exhibitors all sharing information with the community.